Швейцария 20 франков Brienz-Rothorn Ag 835 unc в Барнауле

Автор: Анастасия
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Объявление подано: 26 марта 2018 г. 15:06

Монеты в хорошем состоянии, есть в банковской запайке, есть в капсуле. Серебро 0, 5 oz. Продажа по курсу франка. Brienz-Rothorn Railway 2009
Brienz-Rothorn Railway 2009 Brienz-Rothorn Railway – Pulsating steam and a fantastic view In 1889, a committee of Brienz residents interested in promoting tourism, who were fascinated by the idea of constructing a mountain railway up to the highest-lying mountain station in the world on the Rothorn, was formed under the chairmanship of a German engineer living in Lucerne, A. Lindner. In the very same year, the Federal Assembly granted the concession to construct the ambitious railway project. Since 1892, steam locomotives have been chugging, hissing and puffing from Brienz am See up to the peak of the 2350 m high Rothorn throughout the summer months. Its fascinating route of 7. 6 km in length and surmounting a difference in altitude of 1, 678 m is operated by steam locomotives of three different generations. There is a total of nine steam engines available, six of which are in service at any one time. Locomotive No. 7 constructed in 1936 shown on the commemorative coin weighs 20 t in total in service order. More than 300 kg of coal are burned per mountain trip. Thanks to its output of 300 hp, the locomotive has already conveyed thousands upon thousands of passengers safely to Rothorn Kulm. The one-hour trip along the original route dating from 1892 passes through different vegetation zones. Unique views of mountains such as the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau are to be had again and again from every seat. The Brienz Rothorn with steam is a sensory experience that should be in every calendar in summer. Commemorative coin series: Mountain Railways The second coin in the Mountain Railway series appears this year depicting the “Brienz Rothorn Railway”, once the mountain railway that climbed highest in the world. The series focuses on railway lines whose importance is attributable both to the pioneering spirit of their builders and to their tourist interest. The silver commemorative coin Brienz-Rothorn Railway at a glance
Date of issue: 4th June 2009
Design: Benno K. Zehnder, Gelfingen
Coin image Brienz-Rothorn Railway
Legal face value 20 Swiss francs
Alloy Silver 0. 835
Weight 20 g
Diameter 33 mm
Uncirculated max. 50000
Proof max. 12000

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